100 Jaar Beeldhouwkunst
Op 8 mei 2018 wordt in Pulchri Studio Den Haag door HKH prinses Beatrix de expositie 100 jaar Nederlandse Beeldhouwkunst geopend, ter gelegenheid van het honderdjarig bestaan van de Nederlandse Kring van Beeldhouwers (NKvB). Honderd leden van de Kring, waaronder Aad Hoetjes, exposeren tot 24 juni 100 nieuwe beelden die nog niet eerder geexposeerd zijn.
Op 4 sept. 2017 schreef GAA Foundation - Sculptures het volgende
Dear Aad Hoetjes,
The 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale will run from May 26th to November 25th 2018, a period of six months. Besides the over 150 participating architects we will this year also include again around 30 selected sculptures by artists whose works can be related to the architecture field and to the exhibition topicWe want to present an extraordinary combination of sculptures showcasing a wide range of approaches that make a sincere strong statement with the aim to stimulate the dialogue about what we consider fundamental topics: "Time-Space-Existence". (...) We have noticed your work and we would like to ask you if you might be interested to show your work in our exhibition.